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Writer's pictureMosaic Players

Get to Know our Board: Tiffany Cappel

Have you ever seen those old time skits where the man balances hats on his head? I think he uses a broom to add more hats to balance, maybe while reading a unicycle. That guy is a great visual for me, Tiffany Cappel. My hats are labeled, wife, mother of 3, grandmother to one beautiful little girl, special education advocate to over 30 families in Lake County, foster parent of 3 little ones, board member for Mosaic Players, activist wanna-be, etc. Some days I wear one at a time, proudly. Other days? It’s a balancing act. And often they lay at my feet after falling off. Mosaic Players is so important and special to me because all of my hats encompass the mission of the group. I know we have to do better as a country and if I can be a part of something in my little corner of the world, I’m all in. I look forward to the day when we can come together as a company and change the world!

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